Begin by singing El Baille de las Manos from the CD A Bailar.
Book: Clifford’s First Autumn/El Primer Otoño de Clifford by Norman Bridwell
Song: The Leaves on the Trees (to the tune of The Wheels on the Bus)
The Leaves on the trees come tumbling down,
Tumbling down, tumbling down,
The Leaves on the trees come tumbling down,
All over town.
The Leaves on the trees are verde verde verde...
The Leaves on the trees are amarillo, amarillo, amarillo...
The Leaves on the trees are anaranjado, anaranjado, anaranjado...
The Leaves on the trees are rojo rojo rojo...
The Leaves on the trees are café, café, café…
Book: Veamos El Otoño by Sarah Schuette
Song: Scarecrow Song (to the tune of I'm a Little Teapot.)
I'm a little scarecrow
Stuffed with hay,
Here I stand in the field all day
When I see the crows,
I like to shout,
"Hey you crows you better get out!"
We used a crow puppet and boy puppet made to look like a scarecrow while sang the song.
Book: A Color of His Own by Leo Lionni.
by Patrick H. and Patrick K.
Hats, Preschool Storytime, 1/22 & 1/23/2014
11 years ago